Rosewood Ranches

Healthy, well-fed cattle produce the best meat. That’s why Rosewood Ranches Texas-raised Wagyu cattle are raised naturally, free from hormones or antibiotics. In order to make certain that every single cut of beef meets their standards, Rosewood herds stay under their personal guidance from conception to plate.

Wagyu cattle are known for their unique flavor, superb marbling and tenderness. Wagyu beef contains a higher percentage of monosaturated fat and low cholesterol content, making it the healthiest beef available. Grass fed and grain finished, Rosewood cows are born, bred and raised on their Texas ranches located in Ennis, Seven Points and Combine, Texas.

Rosewood Ranches is dedicated to responsible breeding practices, preserving our family’s rich ranching heritage, and conserving our land for future generations. They are committed to raising their cattle naturally and using their lands sustainability to proudly deliver healthy, superior-quality beef.

Visit Rosewood Ranches