Bell & Evans

Bell & Evans has been providing the highest-quality, naturally-raised poultry since the 1890s.

Located in the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch Country, Bell & Evans is passionate about raising chickens responsibly and humanely.  Their chickens dine on organic feed made of corn and soy, grown in the United States. This diet—plus low-stress, humane living conditions—keep their chickens healthy without the need for growth hormones, antibiotics or other additives.

Bell & Evans’ 100% Air Chilled method means that their chickens’ natural juices never get diluted or replaced with water. That means better flavor and more tender meat. No excess water also means you pay for the chicken, not chicken plus water, and see higher yields after cooking.

From humane animal welfare to our 100% Air Chilled method, everything they do adds up to healthier, more flavorful food.

Also available in USDA Organic.

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